Medicina tradicional china (acupuntura)
Jennifer L. Kolter, M.Om., Dipl. Ac., L.Ac.
Acupunturista y herbolario, propietario y practicante de Henderson Healing Hub, LLC. Está capacitada en Medicina Tradicional China (MTC), que abarca una variedad de modalidades que incluyen acupuntura, medicina herbal china, terapia dietética, ventosas con fuego, moxabustion, Tui Na (masaje médico chino), Tai Chi y Gua Sha.
Adquirió experiencia en varias clínicas durante sus estudios en la Escuela de Medicina China, incluido el Bloomington Natural Care Center, University Health Services, Woodwinds Clinic y Serenity Senior Care Center antes de ingresar al mundo empresarial.
Completó su Maestría en Medicina Oriental en Northwestern Health Sciences University, College of Health & Wellness. Tiene licencia a través de la Junta de Práctica Médica de Minnesota , es Diplomada en Acupuntura certificada por la Comisión Nacional de Certificación de Acupuntura y Medicina Oriental (NCCAOM) y certificada en Técnica de Aguja Limpia a través del Consejo de Colegios de Acupuntura y Medicina Oriental (CCAOM).
Como proveedora de medicina tradicional china, puede personalizar el tratamiento de un individuo para guiar al cuerpo de regreso a una forma natural de curación. Toda curación comienza con el paciente, independientemente de la terapia. La mente, el cuerpo y el espíritu deben estar en armonía para lograr la salud. A ella le apasiona llegar a la raíz del problema y está agradecida por la oportunidad de guiarlo en el viaje de regreso a un lugar de salud y vitalidad.
En una nota personal, Jennifer está casada y tiene cuatro hijos activos. Su experiencia, antes de la medicina tradicional china, era en gran parte la contabilidad y el servicio al cliente relacionados con una ventana de 10 años que se quedó en casa para criar a sus hijos a tiempo completo. Criar a sus hijos fue la chispa de su viaje hacia esta medicina y continúa alimentando la pasión.
Meet Kezia Otting of Kezias Holistic Healthcare
She is a mother of three wonderful children. She has a keen ability to connect with others and truly feel what they were experiencing. She has experienced many health challenges including her children, she knows what you are going through. These challenges were not able to be healed with western medicine and pharmaceuticals. She sought alternative methods. Through acupuncture, chiropractic and muscle testing or nutrition response testing, healing begins. After experiencing the benefits of holistic health, she decided to become certified in muscle testing. She has a strong desire to help others experience the true healing that comes when root causes are addressed. She has completed two certifications, one in muscle testing and one in quantum nutrition testing which gave her the ability to connect with anyone over the phone or video as well. Combining these two trainings and her natural intuitive abilities, she can guide you through the healing process. She is also offering intuitive massage, cupping and gua sha.
Meet Margaret Knoblauch, CMT
She has been practicing massage therapy for 40+ years. She graduated from Mueller College of Holistic Studies in San Diego, CA. in 1981. She graduated from The New Physiology Institute in 2006 with a certification in Quantum Energetics in Green Bay, WI. She also has a strong personal background in nutrition and herbal food supplements.
Margaret believes strongly in the Body-Mind-Spirit connection of total well-being and recognizes massage as an essential foundation for creating that awareness.
The primary therapeutic effects of massage are relaxation and stress relief, improved muscle tone, improved circulation, reduction of swelling and inflammation, thereby reducing pain. Also the blood and lymph circulation is stimulated hastening the elimination of toxins and impurities.
Regular massage facilitates a connection to your body that will bring improved health and well being on your journey to a stress free life where dis-ease cannot thrive!!! First and foremost though....massage feels GOOD!!! Prevention is key to optimum health!!!
~ Margaret
Meet Molly Thomas of AbdomiZen, LLC
She is a mother to a wonderful 9-year-old boy. She is engaged to her partner of over 5 years! They have 2 cats and are the proud owners of chickens! Over the past 5 years, she has been educating herself on a more holistic way of living and has landed here. She is so excited to be sharing the beautiful practice of Abdominal Massage Therapy and help so many people.